Under review

suggetions to improve the voices Jordi and Montserratof your text-to-speech system

Hèctor de Arriba 2 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Gil 2 jaar geleden 1

We are students of Catalan and Spanish degree of the University Rovira Virigli of Tarragona and we have been using your text-to-speech system with the voice Jordi and Montserrat (Catalan) and we would like to send you some suggestions to improve them.

  • The voice Jordi must pronounce the final segment "-ing" of some words ("parquing", "càmping") with the "n" velarized (i. e. "angry" in English).

The voice Montserrat has some things that have to be improved:

  • It has to pronounce the words “he de” (=English "must" or "have to") like: "hé de".
  • The sentence “Tinc set però no vull veure aigua” has to sound like: “Tinc set, però nó vull beure aigua".
  • The sentence “No s’ha de posar coma entre subjecte i verb” has to sound like: No s’ha de posar coma entre subjecte ii verb.
  • In the sentence: “Tinc d’estudiar per aprovar l’examen de la setmana que ve”, the word “ve” (a form of the verb "venir" 'come') has to be pronunciated: "vé".
  • In the sentence “Marxo de casa que m’espera el meu gos” the lleter L of the word “el” has to sound (now it doesn't sound).
  • In the sentence “Demà tinc classe de conduir” the last letter of the word "classe" has to be pronounce with the sound schwa.
  • In the sentence “Fent i desfent es fa l’aprenent”, the word "fent" (gerund of the verb "fer" 'do') has to sound like “feen”.
  • In the sentence “Van lluitar amb espases i van caure tots dos ferits, ensangonats, mig morts, mentre el sol es ponia per l’horitzó” the word “tots” has to be pronunce like “tóts” and the word “mentre” like “méntre”.
  • In the sentence “La canalla juga amb els animals de la granja que hi ha al mig de la muntanya” the words “de la granja” have to sound like: “del a granja”.
  • In the sentence “Vaig perdre l’agenda a l’autobús i el dia següent la vaig trobar a classe de francès” the letter E of “perdre” has to sound opened: “pèrdre”.
  • In the sentence “Dos i dos són quatre”, the word "dos" has to sound like "dós".
Under review

Thank you for your detailed comments!  I have passed them on.

Your feedback is much appreciated & I'm sure it will prove helpful.

Best regards,


The Vocalware Team