
What happened to the old voices?

Waleed Tariq2001 2 years ago updated by Gil 2 years ago 2

When I found some of them for the last time, they overwritten into new ones instead which is completely fake. Like Jennifer into Julie, or Emily into Bridget, or Kenneth into Steven.

Here's proof for Jennifer voice: https://cache-a.oddcast.com/tts/genB.php?EID=4&LID=1&VID=1&TXT=Hey!&EXT=mp3&FNAME=&ACC=15679&SceneID=2703396&HTTP_ERR=

Here's proof for Emily voice: https://cache-a.oddcast.com/tts/genB.php?EID=4&LID=1&VID=6&TXT=Hey!&EXT=mp3&FNAME=&ACC=15679&SceneID=2703396&HTTP_ERR=

Here's proof for Kenneth voice: https://cache-a.oddcast.com/tts/genB.php?EID=2&LID=1&VID=3&TXT=Hey!&EXT=mp3&FNAME=&ACC=15679&SceneID=2703396&HTTP_ERR=

How really odd that happened. Did this issue happened to you?


Under review

Hello Waleed!

Engine 3 voices are no longer being offered in Vocalware.

However, existing customers can keep using these voices without interruption or limit. 

If you are an existing customer, your implementation is unaffected. Contact support@vocalware.com to receive an earlier version of the API documentation that lists those voices.

Separately, we added a large number of new voices, not previously offered (Engine 4). The new voices are not meant to be one-to-one replacements and have different names to avoid confusion.

Hope this helps,



The Vocalware Team

Under review

Hello Waleed!

Engine 3 voices are no longer being offered in Vocalware.

However, existing customers can keep using these voices without interruption or limit. 

If you are an existing customer, your implementation is unaffected. Contact support@vocalware.com to receive an earlier version of the API documentation that lists those voices.

Separately, we added a large number of new voices, not previously offered (Engine 4). The new voices are not meant to be one-to-one replacements and have different names to avoid confusion.

Hope this helps,



The Vocalware Team