
Money back?

vitezslav svaton 8 years ago updated by pneuma 5 years ago 6

Ok, I tried but it didnt meet my expectations. I forgot to cancel it and now I was billed 125 USD for nothing. Can I get it back? I dont want to use this at all..



Hello Leo, 

Apologies for the inconvenience. 

We did receive two emails from you couple of hours back today and we have just replied you back. 

As advised, We have reviewed your account and your credit card was NOT charged - but the amount was *authorized*. 

Doing so enables us to charge you in 15 days without holding on to your credit card information. 

Though we do not hold your money, the credit card company does place a temporary hold on the amount - which we have no control over. Once the trial period ends and you choose to carry on with the Paid subscription then this amount is credited to us.

As per your request, we will immediately cancel the Authorization, however, this would mean that you would have to manually extend the account at the end of the free trial. 

Please allow a day or two for the amount to reflect back in your account. 

We're always here to help if you have further questions or concerns. 
Vocalware Support.

Under review

Hello Vitezlav - 

Yes, there is a 30 day Money Back Guarantee in addition to the free trial period.

We really don't want to take your money if you are not satisfied.

Please send a note to support & we will take care of you.

But I would be very grateful to learn in what way did the product not meet your expectations - please let me know.



I emailed tech after I had the same charge unknowingly charged from my account, WHEN THE ACCOUNT WAS NEVER EVEN ACTIVATED/VERIFIED, STILL CHARGED FOR 50k STREAMS?! I emailed tech and no response. Wheres my 30 day money back guarantee?

Hi Pilly - 

If we missed your email - I'm sorry. But we're not going anywhere and will take care of you.

Please try sending a note again to support@vocalware.com 

Or - post your email here and we'll get back to you (we'll remove it from the forum after).



I signed yesterday for a 15-day trial and had the assurance that my credit card will not be charged. I found today that my card has been charged. I emailed support several times to cancel my trial period and refund my card. I am still waiting for reply. My email is llaunio@hotmail.com


Hello Leo, 

Apologies for the inconvenience. 

We did receive two emails from you couple of hours back today and we have just replied you back. 

As advised, We have reviewed your account and your credit card was NOT charged - but the amount was *authorized*. 

Doing so enables us to charge you in 15 days without holding on to your credit card information. 

Though we do not hold your money, the credit card company does place a temporary hold on the amount - which we have no control over. Once the trial period ends and you choose to carry on with the Paid subscription then this amount is credited to us.

As per your request, we will immediately cancel the Authorization, however, this would mean that you would have to manually extend the account at the end of the free trial. 

Please allow a day or two for the amount to reflect back in your account. 

We're always here to help if you have further questions or concerns. 
Vocalware Support.