Vocalware's UserEcho community is here to let Vocalware users provide feedback, such as Vocalware product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Vocalware representative, we do read and consider each and every post!

What happened to Loquendo Brazilian Portuguese Felipe, Fernanda and Gabriela and European Portuguese Amália and Eusébio?

Samuel Augusto vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 2 Jahren 2

Hey vocalware,can you add the download mp3 button to everyone lol

Nikolas20c vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 2 Jahren 2
Gil vor 2 Jahren


Downloading the TTS audios as mp3 file is available with a separate product - Vocalware Export. 

Vocalware Export also provides a license to use the downloaded audio in your online and offline media (such as youtube videos, corporate tutorial videos etc.). 

A license for use in broadcast media & games can also be made available per title or episode.

If you are interested - please contact us at sales@vocalware.com

Hope this helps,


The Vocalware Team


is the Brazilian voices Felipe, Fernanda and Gabriela, and European voices Amalia and Eusebio working now?

Samuel Augusto vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 2 Jahren 2

in 2017 Loquendo Portuguese Brazilian voices Felipe, Fernanda and Gabriela won't working and 2018 European Portuguese Amalia and Eusebio won't working. It's been 5 years since these Portuguese Loquendo voices are no longer available

Gil vor 2 Jahren

Hello Samuel - 

Those voices are no longer supported and were removed from the Vocalware demo.



Wird überprüft

suggetions to improve the voices Jordi and Montserratof your text-to-speech system

Hèctor de Arriba vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 2 Jahren 1

We are students of Catalan and Spanish degree of the University Rovira Virigli of Tarragona and we have been using your text-to-speech system with the voice Jordi and Montserrat (Catalan) and we would like to send you some suggestions to improve them.

  • The voice Jordi must pronounce the final segment "-ing" of some words ("parquing", "càmping") with the "n" velarized (i. e. "angry" in English).

The voice Montserrat has some things that have to be improved:

  • It has to pronounce the words “he de” (=English "must" or "have to") like: "hé de".
  • The sentence “Tinc set però no vull veure aigua” has to sound like: “Tinc set, però nó vull beure aigua".
  • The sentence “No s’ha de posar coma entre subjecte i verb” has to sound like: No s’ha de posar coma entre subjecte ii verb.
  • In the sentence: “Tinc d’estudiar per aprovar l’examen de la setmana que ve”, the word “ve” (a form of the verb "venir" 'come') has to be pronunciated: "vé".
  • In the sentence “Marxo de casa que m’espera el meu gos” the lleter L of the word “el” has to sound (now it doesn't sound).
  • In the sentence “Demà tinc classe de conduir” the last letter of the word "classe" has to be pronounce with the sound schwa.
  • In the sentence “Fent i desfent es fa l’aprenent”, the word "fent" (gerund of the verb "fer" 'do') has to sound like “feen”.
  • In the sentence “Van lluitar amb espases i van caure tots dos ferits, ensangonats, mig morts, mentre el sol es ponia per l’horitzó” the word “tots” has to be pronunce like “tóts” and the word “mentre” like “méntre”.
  • In the sentence “La canalla juga amb els animals de la granja que hi ha al mig de la muntanya” the words “de la granja” have to sound like: “del a granja”.
  • In the sentence “Vaig perdre l’agenda a l’autobús i el dia següent la vaig trobar a classe de francès” the letter E of “perdre” has to sound opened: “pèrdre”.
  • In the sentence “Dos i dos són quatre”, the word "dos" has to sound like "dós".

I want to download the voice of Paul But there is no download???

Ander vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 2 Jahren 2
Gil vor 2 Jahren

Hello Ander - 

We offer a product called Vocalware Export which provides an online portal for previewing and downloading MP3 audio files generated by our Text-To-Speech voices, as well as a license to use those audios in perpetuity in your own content (videos, tutorials, games etc).

For more info please send us a note to sales@oddcast.com.




The play button does not appear on the screen, and the connection is deny.

rokamp0422 vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 3 Jahren 2

The origin server is not reachable or returns an error. The error keeps popping up every time I access the site, and even the play button is not visible on the screen. The Google site server is down. Could I ask you to take care of this problem?

Gil vor 3 Jahren


We experienced an outage yesterday doe to a failure in notrtheast US of a key infrastructure provider.

I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. 

Services are restored - please try again.


The Vocalware team


Hello how do I download the audio. I am making a game and I need the audio for it.

smartrobotg24 vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 3 Jahren 2

I am working on a game and the audio for the game can be nicer. But I don't know how to download it.

Gil vor 3 Jahren


We offer a separate service & license for downloading the audios and integrating them into your media (vidoes, games, tutorials, feature films etc).

Please send a note to support@vocalware.com & ask about Vocalware Export license to get more information.



Gil vor 3 Jahren

Samuel - 

Unfortunately those voices will not be re-introduced.

I appreciate your feedback & we are looking to add additional voices, including in Portuguese.



The Vocalware Team


Can you change from ms to seconds

pauloferraz26 vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 4 Jahren 2

Can I Download the Audio file to my phone

Jesse vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil vor 3 Jahren 4
Gil vor 3 Jahren

Hi Jesse - 

No, Vocalware does not support audio file download - it is designed for online playback, in browser or in-app.

If you are interested in downloading the audios as mp3 files - for using in your own product or media (for example - youtube videos, game or mobile app), we do offer a separate product and license for that. Send a note to sales@oddcast.com and ask about "Vocalware Export".



The Vocalware Team