Vocalware's UserEcho community is here to let Vocalware users provide feedback, such as Vocalware product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Vocalware representative, we do read and consider each and every post!

You cant charge people without informing them

ankita gandhi 8 år siden opdateret af Gil 8 år siden 2

stop charging

Gil 8 år siden

Hi Ankita -

We do not charge without informing. When you sign up, we make it plain that the service will automatically charge for the basic stream package in 15 days time. Regardless, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee and stand behind it - please contact us and the charge will be refunded.



Dieu 8 år siden opdateret af Gil 8 år siden 3

Hello. There used to be a high quality speech spoken by James (US) just three days ago. Now this has gone. The current speech is spoken by Steven (US) rather than James. That means James and Steven sound exactly the same. Best regards

Gil 8 år siden

Hi - to clarify - this issue was resolved shortly after this discussion took place.


Creating checksum value for REST API

Trout Nemesis 9 år siden opdateret af Gil 8 år siden 2

I'd appreciate a little explanation on this part. I see "CS = md5 (EID + LID + VID + TXT + EXT + FX_TYPE + FX_LEVEL + ACC + API + SESSION + HTTP_ERR + SECRET PHRASE)" in the documentation. I assume "+" is addition. Should all the numbers be converted to hex then added? What about the TXT encoded variable? How is that value "added?" Also, do you provide md5 encryption? I'm working in javascript. Do I need to go find and include variables for that?

Gil 8 år siden

Hi -

This sample code is in php.

In php the + operator is used for string concatenation (as it is in other scripting languages).

So the values of all the individual parameters, as strings, are concatenated and then the resulting string is processed to produce a unique md5 'signature' that cannot be produced by any other string.

Hope this helps clarify your other questions as well.




make dots, like " . . . . ." take up time but don't pronounce them.

email 9 år siden opdateret af Gil 9 år siden 2

I'm trying to space things out in time and can't find a way to do it. Some other TTS services let you use spaced apart periods like " . . . . . " to take up time and space things out.

Gil 9 år siden

Hi -

Period, comma and exclamation mark have some effect, but that effect depends on the voice, and can be inconsistent.

Best solution is to use SSML tags - in this case the 'break' tag.

Here's an example -

Break for 1000 milliseconds <Break time="1000ms"/> Okay, keep going.

See "advanced" section at the bottom of our demo page - for more examples about using SSML tags.


i create new api my account i need stay in my site. Can you help? my skype djromeo49

Roman 9 år siden opdateret af Gil 7 år siden 5

i create new api my account i need stay in my site. Can you help? my skype djromeo49

Gil 7 år siden

It is the weekend - I'm sure we'll get back to you soon.

Thanks for your patience

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